HYDRAULICS ARE best WHEN IT COUNTS When we refer to industrial hydraulics, we mean industrial applications, which often involve powerful forces. An industrial application could be a paper making machine or a steam powered electrical plant consisting of a number of different functions. These applications are always stationary and in continuous operation, i.e. they are working 24/7. Our system engineers design the hydraulic system so that the application has the required power, precision and speed of movement, and the hydraulic system is often integrated into the customer’s overall control system. HydX customizes and delivers turnkey or plug and play solutions, i.e. complete hydraulic systems including the control system for applications such as cranes, process valves (gas valves, steam valves, water valves) for power generating plants, loading areas for ships and aircraft, presses and for the packaging industry.
HYDX INDUSTRal SYSTEMs offer: cost-efficient system solutions based on the experience of thousands of system suppliers for manifold industrial machines and equipment components from world-leading and global manufacturers significant expertise and experience of combined hydraulic and control systems engineering know-how and a passion for technology. customized total soutions that fulfil your requirements and needs HydX tailors virtually all the industrial hydraulic systems it delivers. As we mainly work with series deliveries, we often design our hydraulic aggregates based on a modular approach. This means that we can handle variants cost-efficiently, reduce the number of spare parts and consequently meet requirements in a competitive way.
HYDX INDUSTRIal APPLIcATIONs can provide customization and optimization in the following areas Tests & START up to simplify test and start-up processes and ensure machine functionality. operating CYcle and FUNcTION to optimize the system to the customer’s specific needs. operating environment including surrounding temperature, air humidity, height above sea level and marine environments. location and space to adapt the available space while retaining a service-friendly focus. INTEGRATION to adapt the interface (e.g. overall control system, air, water and energy provision) to the end customer’s other systems. PROJEcT-SPECIFIc requirements and LOcal REGulations to fulfill requirements e.g. for certification and needs concerning the brand of solution and standards. SERVICE to make it easy to service and maintain systems with an aim to minimize downtime.
WE ALSO HANDLE PARTICULARLY TOUGH CHALLENGES earthquake SIMULation Simulation (according to the Richter scale) of tremors caused by earthquakes. TEMPERATURe SIMULation Identify where temperature rises occur in a hydraulic system and at what temperature (in degrees Celsius). COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) SIMUlation Simulate and analyze the flow of fluids in the hydraulic system. pressure fall SIMULation Simulate where in the system circuit pressure falls occur and how large they are.